So why do we have Accident/Excess Medical Coverage insurance? The reason we have a form of Accidental/Excess Medical insurance is because our liability insurance carrier requires that we have some other coverage to help lower the liability; which in turn reduces the liability insurance rate. This requirement also helps those participants that do not have insurance by providing some minimal coverage and it becomes a secondary insurance for those that do have insurance. 

The Accidental Medical insurance coverage is very inexpensive and you get what you pay for as with anything else. This is a token bare bones schedule benefit plan which means, that it pays certain predetermined amounts for certain identified procedures or expenses attributed to the claimed injury. So don't expect to get all your medical bills paid in full by this insurance coverage. Idaho does have several claims paid out annually for participants which indicates that for some of you this is an added benefit.  

Coverage Benefits: Benefit period is 52 weeks. Eligibility includes all registered participants. Maximum medical benefit pre claim is $5,000.00 and there is a $400.00 deductible per claim. You must file a claim with-in 90 days of the accident or incident by submitting a completed claim form to the state verification officer. A pre-existing condition must be treatment free for six months before it is considered a "new" injury. Any chronic, pre-existing condition for which treatment has been recommended or received six months prior to the effective date of enrollments is covered to a maximum of $1,000.00. 

NEW: for 2012 you can upgrade your insurance to $25,000.00 Maximum Benefit Plan as long as the whole league upgrades.  The cost is an extra $5.00 per person.  There are some other requirements so contact Paul Scherer, President at